Whatever the type of abuse, it can be hard to talk about it with someone, especially if you have tried it in the past and felt it did not help. Abuse comes in many forms, such as sexual abuse, physical, psychological, domestic, and financial. Support is available, whether you are experiencing it currently or have done in the past.​​ 

Sexual Abuse

Any type of sexual contact or behaviour that occurs without the consent of the recipient, when a person is forced, coerced, or manipulated into any unwanted sexual activity.

If you've experienced sexual abuse, it is not your fault.

Physical Abuse

Violent contact on an individual, this could be hitting, burning, pushing or restraining of the victim. 

Psychological Abuse

Regular and deliberate use of a range of words and non-physical actions used with the purpose to manipulate, hurt, weaken, or frighten a person mentally and emotionally. Also known as emotional abuse, it consists of, harassment and preventing a person from seeing other people. 

Domestic Abuse

Usually abuse by someone in the home, such as a family member, partner, house mate or carer. Domestic abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse and includes threatening physical violence, controlling, coercing, humiliation and manipulation. 

Financial Abuse

Includes stealing, spending another individual’s money inappropriately without consent when asked to safekeep it, forcing or pressuring someone to spend their money on things they do not want to. An individual ‘borrowing’ money they have no intention of paying back, usually a financial abuser will start forming stories and excuses; typically targeting certain types of people. 

Discriminatory Abuse

Repeated harassment, name calling and unfair treatment because of a person’s race, gender, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, weight, or religion. 

Other forms of abuse include; Modern slavery, neglect, cyber-bullying and hate crime.