Anxiety is a common human emotion that arises when we feel worried or fearful, especially about future events or situations. It is a natural response to perceived threats and can occur in various settings, such as high-pressure situations, crowded places, or unfamiliar environments. While some level of anxiety is normal and can even be beneficial in certain situations, excessive or unmanaged anxiety can significantly impact our mental health and well-being.

The Nature of Anxiety

Anxiety can manifest in various ways, and its intensity may vary from person to person. Some everyday situations that can trigger anxiety include job interviews, meeting new people, or engaging in social activities. Feeling anxious in such circumstances is entirely normal, but it may require attention and support when anxiety becomes overwhelming or starts interfering with our daily life and enjoyment. 

When Anxiety Impacts Mental Health

Anxiety can affect mental health when it hinders our ability to engage in activities we once enjoyed or when it leads to avoidance behaviours. For instance, avoiding a party due to feeling unprepared or worrying excessively about potential adverse outcomes can be signs of problematic anxiety. 

Recognising the Symptoms

When anxiety becomes severe, it can lead to panic attacks, which are intense episodes of fear and discomfort. Recognising the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks is crucial in seeking appropriate support. Some common symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks include: 

Physical Symptoms:

Emotional Symptoms:

Coping Strategies

Coping with anxiety and panic attacks involves learning practical techniques to manage and reduce their impact on our lives. Some strategies that may be helpful include: 

Talking to Someone You Trust

Opening up about anxiety and panic attacks is essential to seeking support and understanding. Sharing your experiences with someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or partner, can provide emotional relief and potentially lead to valuable advice and support. 

Do what you need to do to make yourself comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

Let's start empowering each other to develop long-term strategies for managing anxiety.