Self-harm refers to the act of intentionally inflicting physical harm on oneself. It is often a coping mechanism used to deal with overwhelming emotions or distressing situations. Here's some information on self-harm, including types, signs, coping strategies, effects, and support options:

Types of Self-Harm

Signs of Self-Harm

In Oneself & Others

Effects of Self-Harm

People self-harm for a variety of complex reasons, and it's often a way of coping with overwhelming emotions or distressing situations. Some common reasons why individuals may engage in self-harm include:

It's important to recognise that self-harm is a complex behaviour influenced by various psychological, social, and environmental factors. Individuals who self-harm often experience a range of emotions and may struggle with underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, or low self-esteem. Seeking professional help and support is crucial for addressing the underlying causes of self-harm and developing healthier coping strategies.

Support Options

It's important for individuals struggling with self-harm to reach out for help and support, but for people who think an individual may be self-haming, to openly ask them. Recovery is possible with the right treatment and support network in place.